Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Monday, December 19, 2005

Summer? What summer?

Sunday was a freezer, in Robertson, and also in Canberra.

So much for these few nice days we have been having. I left Robbo in a howling wind, and got to Canberra to see trees down - all over the place. Apparently that damage was inflicted a week ago, by a previous storm. Last night it was jumper and jacket weather. Ridiculous!


Global warming is a bit of a mis-nomer, as what really is happening is that the severity of our weather is increasing, and is likely to continue to do so. Hence, more storms, more droughts, more floods. At first it appears to be a contradiction, but statistically, it is real.


Lets hope that George W Bush and John Howard can sort out "Global Warming", as soon as they have fixed up "the War on Terror".

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