Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Boring into the Kangaloon Aquifer - again.

Drilling Rig -
inside the borefield area.

The SCA is at it again. Bastards!

Last night I saw a drill rig parked just inside the entrance to Fire Trail 1A, in the tall, wet forest, at the eastern end of the borefield. The maps indicate this is near Burke River (it is just a tiny creek where it crosses Tourist Road). This is yet another of those rivers which starts with a small, but permanent flow of water coming from the basalt hills of East Kangaloon.

It would appear that while their borefield proposal is under review and assessment by the Federal Department of Environment and Water Resources, under the terms of the EPBC Act, the SCA are preparing to start drilling again, in preparation for developing the borefield further.

The arrogance of the NSW Government is quite breathtaking.

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