Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Friday, February 01, 2008

Hindmarsh Lookout - Storms shape Kangaroo Valley

Yesterday I wrote about the big storm which blew up from Macquarie Pass to Sydney. Prior to that storm, I had been down at Hindmarsh Lookout, near Belmore Falls, and found a wall of water closing off the normal view of Kangaroo Valley. To see what I mean about the Barrengarry Creek Valley being "closed off", you need to compare this image with the two photos below.
It was really eerie, as the light was altered (from normal) because the view was foreshortened. And the outside of the wall of water was still in sunlight, so the brightness was increased. It changed dramatically when the storm arrived, of course. Suddenly everything went dark.

This is the normal view from this Lookout. In fact, I have previously written about the good view one normally sees from this point. This is a panoramic image, so click on the image to enlarge the view. Here is the full distant view (zoomed) of the village of Kangaroo Valley, which one can normally see from this same lookout.The difference in these views is all to do with one thing - the weather. Storms change the light (for a photographer). But they also produce the rain and water which has shaped this valley over millions of years.

Storms really do transform the landscape in the shortest and longest sense of time of which our human minds can conceive.


Sue Catmint said...

as i read this I am thinking of the horrendous storms in southern US. Must be very frightening. technology can control lots of things, but not the weather. (It mighht even rain for the royal wedding!)

Denis Wilson said...

Nicely connected, Catmint, as I was just listening to the ABC News about the storms in Alabama. And you were reading my post from several years ago, but thinking about the same storms.
As I wrote, at the time: "Storms really do transform the landscape in the shortest and longest sense of time of which our human minds can conceive."
Alabama and Grantham and the Lockyer Valley are both in the news.