Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Monday, September 16, 2013

Petalochilus curtisepalus (Caladenia curtisepala)

Petalochilus curtisepalus (Caladenia curtisepala if you prefer).

Petalochilus curtisepalus
These plants were identified last year, by Dr. Mark Clements, as they had a few of us puzzled. The specimens he examined were twin-flowered ones, but coming from the same group of plants, from the same area (Fitzroy Falls and Manning Lookout road). This year, I have tried harder to get close-up shots.

Petalochilus curtisepalus

According to the botanical illustration, on PlantNET, these are correct for P. curtisepalus. The labellum has "teeth" on the edges of the midlobe, but lacks the teeth on the front of the side panels of the labellum (unlike P. carneus).

The labellum shape is distinct from P. carneus. P. carneus also is later to flower.
Petalochilus carneus

Petalochilus curtisepalus
"dorsal sepal weakly erect
to curving over column,
narrower and up to 3 mm shorter
than the broadening lateral sepals"

Petalochilus curtisepalus
"dorsal sepal weakly erect
to curving over column,
narrower and up to 3 mm shorter
than the broadening lateral sepals"
Petalochilus curtisepalus
Note the teeth on the edge of the labellum
do not go up on the sides of the labellum
(refer back to illustration of P. carneus above)

Petalochilus curtisepalus

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